parent communication

Parents Communication

At VEDANT, students can access the content through Educomp Online, a portal dedicated to providing the smartclass schools with a 360 degree learning experience. The smartclass system includes a virtual school, where parents, teachers and students can communicate with each other. Teachers can upload assignments for students to download, and make available important information for parents to view.

Mobile Application Features

Student Profile

Student Profile from school management software is automagically shown in the app via seamless integration technology architecture


Track student attendance and inform parents instantly about child’s absence.


The Message System is designed to communicate the Daily attendance, Home work, Fees reminders, Result or any Service Message (Urgent Communication) etc

Daily Diary

Your virtual diary: A complete view of informational, homework, fees, results, announcement related information sent by the school on a regular basis !

Notice Board

  • School can now share pdf files for passing on information such as forms, circulars etc.

Tests & Examinations

  • A superb module that allows school to share results with parents. It also has a functionality to show pdf of marksheets.

Fee Card

Pay Fee’s Online

Pay Fee's Online

Our app allows users to pay fees online via Debit Card, Credit Card or Net Banking. Once the payment is done, parents can collect the receipt from school or get an e-receipt.

Photo Gallery

The most easiest platform for sharing school pictures with parents for events, festivals and school functions

Send Query

Parents can send their concerns, queries or feedback via the send query module.