About Us

VEDANT INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL was found by “Hiraba Kelavani Trust: The Hiraba Kelaye Trust was nopate on 241h May 194. IS code No. i E-972. nucation instabished is strong
to in the ed ducation. It has not only established number of educational institutes in the various els but also conducts social service activities like lending financial aid to handicapped children Education to economical backward students etc.
VEDANT INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is a unique C.B.S.E. atlated school which combines contemporary and conventional methods of teaching in a flexible manner in accordance with the age and aptude of the child Its situated in the vicinity of maninagar and has an access to railway station and bus.
fisavel -establiShed scholand is Suces S the result of high moral, dedication and strenuous efforts of the team of teachers under best leadership of the Principal and full co-operation of enlightened active parents.
We ensure to make the child strong with personal qualities and interest for a happy, prosperous life and responsible citizenship.
The school has a commitmentto diversity and encourages students from a wide geographical area.


Our focus also includes the fundamental importance of academics as well as co-curricular activities through the utilization of techniques and facilities that are of international standards. Here, students are also exposed to the rich Indian cultural and spiritual heritage. VEDANT emphasis on the quality of Teaching and Learning with the use of innovative methods. We ensure that students become strong and able citizens with personal qualities and interest for happy and responsible life. VEDANT is committed to diversity and encourages student from a wide geographical area.

The Establishment of VEDANT

Hiraba Kelavni Trust, incorporated on 24th May, 1994 (Code No is E – 9972), is well-known for establishing its strong foot in the field of education. It has not only established number of educational institutes in various fields but it also conducts social service activities such as lending financial aid to differently-abled children, educating economically backward children etc., to name a few. CBSE Affiliation No. 430137